Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anyone TTC'ing ever have these days?

DH and I have been TTC for about 26 months. I have PCOS and really need to see a specialist but we're trying to wait until our house is a little less chaotic (My pregnant, 19 yr old sister and her 11 month old son AND her boyfriend are living with us, taking up 2 out of 3 of our bedrooms in our house)

I have just felt for he past week that this is just TOO hard. I've been on the verge of tears all week, just ready to break down. I don't have ANYONE who understands. She even made the comment today, (she and her boyfriend are going through stuff with him cheating etc) ';No offense but you don't have kids so you wouldn't understand';...I said ';Well having kids does not make your boyfriend anymore committed to you, than my husband is to me';

UGH! How do I get through these days? It's seriously hitting me, extremely hard. I put up with comments all of the time but everything is just magnified...HELP PLEASE!Anyone TTC'ing ever have these days?
1. Never let anyone in your house disrespect you. You are the owner of the house, therefore those living there need to respect you, your feelings, and your property. If you don't stand up for yourself, those who are causing you problems now will continue to do so in the future.

2. Confront all problems in the household head-on. If you intend on the people in your house to eventually leave (which would result in less stress being inflicted upon you), you need to set a specific date in which they have to either start packing and move out or show you proof that they are at least trying their best to find their own place.

3. Share your feelings. When many people are arguing in a household, it often doesn't get solved because no one wants to be the 'bigger person' and talk it out. Find out what everyone else thinks the problem(s) is, then work on solving it. Remember: you can't solve a problem if you don't know the problem.Anyone TTC'ing ever have these days?
I love this I can finally help someone OK!! I have been TTC for 3 1/2 years I' am 24 well the other day I finally went to the fertility clinic...YEahhhh OK NOW I' am not releasing eggs so I have to have a laparoscopy done to help them decide why not.. I recommend go to the clinic now if your ready =_)

Good luck
My experience was some what similar and on going. i was told i had pcos also.My sister has always been a witch to me. The first time i found out i was pregnant was about a week after she told my parents she was. She was 16 and i was 19. I had an early miscarriage. She seemed to feel bad for maybe a day. When she had her baby shower about 3 months later she got upset with me because i literally hid in a closet and cried through most of it, hiding because i did not want to ruin her day. then when she went to the hospital to have the baby i stayed in her room with her the whole time, and watched her daughter every m-f so she could graduate. then she had another kid about 2 years later and a few months after his birth i had another miscarriage. This time she got in some trouble and dhs placed her then 13 month old son with me i had him 5 months he started to call me mommy so she asked them to take him from me and put him with my 80 year old aunt. then she would say things like you have more kids stuff than i do for some one that has no kids, or dont tell me how to raise my kids have your own after she calls me for advice. I have since then had two daughters and she has had one more. My oldest and her youngest are 4 days apart she has 3 kids 3 different dads and i feel like she thinks she is better than me cuz she works full time and is single, and i am a married stay home mom. She to this day says i use her and only talk to her when i need some thing because all i wanted was my wedding pics that she had for a month and half but would not give me. My great aunt never had kids and she is wonderful woman and my grandma would say things to her all the time too. My advice is just tell her how you feel out right. Explain things to her and if it were me i would be a Bi*** tell her that her and the baby can stay but that her cheating boy friend is out, I know you love your sister and nephew but you dont have to take care of the boyfriend too. good luck. sorry this is so long
OMG! :| I know how you feel in a way. Our fertile days were like a week or so ago and so we were trying to have sex anytime that we could so I could try and conceive. Well, my brother and his 2 kids, my sister and her 2 dogs came down and it was me and my husband and our 2 kids and so we had like 8 people in the house including 2 dogs and we were trying to find time to have sex without any of them knowing and so they finally left and I was about to pull my hair out and they do not even live with us. LOL They were here for 4 days and it sucked.
I know exactly how you feel because for about 6 months my brother in law his gf and their baby lived with us. We had been ttc for around 18 months at that point when they moved in.They were extremely ungrateful and created undue stress for me. And the stress alone is enough to cause problems for you. Finally at my wits end I asked them to move out and nothing happened. Then it reached the point where I said look this isnt working you have to move out and get your own place I am giving you to the end of the week. And they were out by the end of the week with me helping get their stuff out! I had resentment because they didnt want a baby and got pregnant and here we are married and taking care of ourselves and it isnt happening and then they were living with us and taking advantage too.Sounds to me like your reaching the point of enough is enough! Good luck and try not to stress too much.Lots and lots of Baby dust to you!
Well I was one of those lucky ones that didn't have to try, both mine were surprises, however my best friend cannot have children and I have been there for her from when she started trying to when she found out it just wouldn't happen and still I am there for her now with people all around her bragging about their pregnancies to her. What I'm trying to say is I have not been there personally but I do know how you feel because of my friend. I would find someone that you can confide in like a close female friend who will listen to your concerns and fears and simply be there to support you. You can certainly talk to your hubby also but sometimes a female even if she does not have the same problem can understand your emotions better. Unfortunately there are people in this world that like make everyone else miserable. Do your best to ignore the negative comments and I hope the best for you and that you do get that bundle of joy soon.

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