Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you make a chick stop falling for your boyfriend from a distance?

lets try and make this as short as possible lol. me=texas him=colorado her=colorado. he's an amazing boyfriend, we've been together for 3 years, he doesn't want her at all half because he really truly loves me (or at least i believe he does with every ounce of my being) and half because she cheated on his best friend with another guy and he not only doesn't want to lose his friendship with this guy but he also doesn't want a whore for a girlfriend. My only problem with the whole situation is that i have to deal with the pain of her sending him love letters and posting up status messages and stuff about her wanting to be with my boyfriend and it kinda hurts.

is there anyway:

a.) I can get her to fall out of love with him and give up forever (my favorite option)

b.) for me to ignore her status (which is a bit tough cause i'm quite nosey and a little paranoid)

c.)to make good waffles out of toastHow do you make a chick stop falling for your boyfriend from a distance?
Be patient and do what's right in your opinion and all should work out fine

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