so my friend kised her boyfriend last night for the first time and now she is like dieing to know how to make out! and i have kissed my botfriend befor and i have no idea how to make out either!!!! please help!!!! and no mean answers!!!! thanks :)How do you make out with your boy friend?
Go with the flow. Feel the beat. Do it right and you'll be in for a treat!How do you make out with your boy friend?
Make sure your lips are moist by running your tongue over them once. You don't want them to be too wet but if they are too dry they will not work well with your partner's lips. Chapstick is a good way to keep your lips smooth and moist so you are always ready.
2. Remember to turn your head a little. You don't want to both head straight ahead and end up hitting noses because that would be painful and uncomfortable. Watch to see which way your partner tilts their head and go the opposite way.
3. When you are getting ready to go in for a kiss it is best to close your eyes. Before that you want to make eye contact to maintain intimacy but when you kiss you don't want to stare at the person close up. Some people do like to open their eyes every so often and look but most keep them closed the majority of the time.
4. The first kiss should be with closed lips and should be gentle and not aggressive. You don't want to go right for their mouth with yours wide open because that could be a little scary. As you kiss, slowly open your mouth
Both lean in slowly, unless your into rushing that kinda stuff. Then, just start kissing on the lips, and then let his tongue through, (if he pushes it against your lips) if he doesn't, do it to him. He should let you in, and then, let his tongue in. Touch each others tongue's with your own tongue, and make it sexy, not sleazy.
if u mean sex, then start kissing the guy. slowly start going up his dick and start touching it. if he likes it he'll touch your **** and you knwo the rest
Kissing IS making out. When you feel the urge to do more, you will. Be sure to not go ';too far'; until you are prepared. :0)
U wanna like just GO WITH DA FLOW!!!!! be sure ta use breath mints and all that sstuff so u dnt have a stinky mouth...u should also not do TOO much yet until u guys are ready.
Just flow with it or start by nibbling on his neck
with your tongue, practice with your friend just like cruel intentions
Well, there really isn't a ';right'; way...just do what feels natural. You might wanna brush your teeth beforehand or chew a piece of gum...bad breath isn't really good for making out.
the first people who made out didnt learn, so it comes naturally
good luck!
do what you wanna do
use your tongue and just let him do it to you..go wit the flow
Move that tongue along with his...
just go with the flow
Making out is just prolonged know, with tongue and touching and all that good stuff.
ok its instinct go for it!
lol you wanna play a lil tongue hockeyy
make out in what sense?
jst do one thing simply talk to him as he is ur bf ryte
I suggest you look up foreplay tips
making out is just kissing with tongue
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