Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do u tell your boyfriend that your not ready to kiss him yet with out making him want to break up with u?

my boyfirend keeps wanting to kiss me and im not ready yet so i keep on having to make excusses about why i cant kiss do i tell him im not ready to kiss him yet with out making him feel like he wants to break up with me.How do u tell your boyfriend that your not ready to kiss him yet with out making him want to break up with u?
ok forget those other two answers those were not smart.

im sorta in the same situation but on a little higher level

but heres me advice to you: DONT ever feel pressured to do something you dont want to. if youre not comfortable yet, dont do it. if your bf doesnt understand that, then girl, hes not right for you. your bf should be supportive of you and understand completely and be sweet and gracious about it. if he's not, dont keep him around, hes not worth your time.

just tell him some time, just be like ';i really like you and want to be with you but i need some more time before i kiss you because i dont quite think im ready yet.'; something like that and just say ';i hope you understand or i hope thats going to be ok';

and if hes a good bf, he'll be fine with it and wait.

so be strong and be brave.

wait til your ready =]

good luck!How do u tell your boyfriend that your not ready to kiss him yet with out making him want to break up with u?
I had the exact same problem with my boyfriend. I had never kissed anyone before, and I was extremely nervous and wanted to wait. After he tried to kiss me a couple of times and hinted at it a lot... I just kind of broke down and told him how I was feeling. He completely understood ( : He was really just a sweetheart about it. I waited almost a month and a half before I let him kiss me, and it was totally worth the wait. If your boyfriend is really worth it and a nice, respectable guy, he'll honor your decision and not pressure you to do something you're not ready for. If he dumps you over it, you shouldn't be with him anyway. Just tell him that you're not ready... if he's the right guy for you, he'll understand.
you cant, you dont have any control over the situation. You can only control yourself. If he cant understand, he's not the one anyway. IF you kissed him you will have wasted your first kiss on the wrong guy, and when the right one comes along, you no longer have your first kiss to give away. I would tell him straight up and if he isnt down with it, get rid of him. You are WAY better than that anyway!
Just tell him you want to take your relationship slow. If he really likes you then he'll wait for you. Just make sure when he tries to kiss you you don't wrinkle your nose and walk away. Just stop making excuses and tell him the truth. The bigger turn off won't be that you didn't want to kiss him, it will be that you lied to his face about why you don't want to.
just say, that you arent ready and that its got nothing to do with him, just the fact that you're new to this and a little nervous. he should understand and respect you although it must be hard for him if he really likes you and just wants to kiss you.
tell him that you enjoy his company and value him as a friend but you dont want to do more than that now. He may decide that he wants a girlfriend that will do more , like at least some kissing and petting but thats just a risk you take .
Hey, my freind did this once. So she just openly said to the guy ';I like you but i want to get to know you better k?'; And if the guy your dating is really that awesome. Then he will understand. If all he cares about is kissing you, then what good is he anyway?
why would you not want to kiss your boyfriend?

do you even like him?

well i guess if you are young then it's ok, just tell him you want to move slow, then give him a huge hug
If he really cares about you he can wait. You should telll him you're not ready. And if he wants to break-up, then you deserve someone better.
tell him you want to move slow and you want to kiss him but arent ready yet!

help me :);_ylt=AiyPUQD_TLealWBGMCQVPsfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080528182925AAx3dNn
Tell him that you are not ready.Be brave and just say Im not ready for something big happening to us can we give our relationship some time? It will work trust me. :)
how old are you?

i guess just say you want to move slow

you must be young tho if someone is your boyfriend and u havent even kissed yet
all i can say is get ready to kiss him next time
i had this problem to if he really loves you he'll understand you so just tell him your not ready ok im 14 if you want to talk


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