never send pictures that u wouldn't want anyone else seeing...chances r they will b seen. most guys WILL show their friends...they like to brag. if thats not the case, if he lets a nosey friend use his fone...they r being seen again. and if he loses his fone and a stranger finds it, chances r they r gonna show everyone they kno the pix. just not a good idea.Why would your boyfriend shared private pictures with his friends?
Well I am sorry to hear about her situation but I too have been in a familiar situation except that nude pics of me were taken while having sex with someone and then were passed around.They were passed around the prison where a couple hundreds inmates got their hands on those pics and you can imagine what they did with them.It was recently that I found out about that and the worst part was that the pics were taken by the guy I was dating and slept with. He was trying to show off since he worked at the prison and well he did a great job but he ruined my reputation making a lot of guys that I know think that I am easy.Guys think that if they show pics showing actions which show what they have done in the past then their friends would be impressed and they would come off as mucho.
Its invasion of privacy and she should go to the police, what people do in the privacy of their own home should not be brought out into the public, there are porn mags out there for that.
Your gf needs to do something about this and dump that immature boy for a start, she has done nothing wrong in posing for her bf but he has broken her trust and possibly the law by handing around these intimate pictures of her. What a low life this guy is.
Guys are sleazebags, unfortunately guys like the one on here that has written his ID in caps is a typical sleaze, his response is immature and profound in the extreme and your gf should have more sense than to go out with losers like her ex - hopefully he is her ex now anyway.
Its just another proof that girls mature quicker than ';men'; since they always think its cool to be giggly over naked womens pics how very sad and immature.
One day your gf will wise up to these kind of freaks and realise just what she is worth, and its far more than sleeping around with these idiots.
men like to brag. I got drunk once on a weekend get away with my fiance. But he took full pictures of me. He showed them off I'm sure. Bad thing is, he still has them and we broke up. In a not to nice a way. I'm sure there are a lot more people who have seen me then I know about. Tell your friend that she needs to not do it with him if he is going to show them. Like me and my guy now have pics, but no body will see them I'm sure. If she can, she should get a hold of the phone or whatever they are on and delete them. Don't trust him to. And don't break up until after they are gone or any big fights. If he shows out of free will, don't make him mad.
well that same thing has happened to me plenty of times. this guy probably just likes her for her looks and if that is the case he may have showed his friends to make them jealous.but really tell ya girl not to send out pictures like that of herself if she doesnt want them gettin around.hope i helped!
It's just a status thing. He wants to show off how hot his girlfriend and to have his friends comment on her appearance boosts his ego. Yeah, the guy should have thought ahead, but that was pretty likely his reasons behind it.
1 - because he's male
2 - because he's immature
3 - because he's male
Call your friend up, because you have good news!
At least he still thinks she's hot.
They aren't lusting over her. Guys sometimes show off pics like this, sadly, for fun
He's obviously showing off. He's proving to his friends that he's got a hot woman and they don't.
Shaniq's boyfriend is a cheap, idiotic person and doesn't care about Shaniq. Tell her 2 sue him %26amp; dump him
He wants to go from being her boyfriend to being her pimp. Why would your friend stay with a scumbag like that?
because hes trash with no moral upbringing
Boys will be boys..She should come clean with him from the beginning
men have been doing it for years, they do it all the time
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